We will be open today from 10h00.

Médiacité makes its cinema

Enjoy the cinema experience in your car?
It’s possible thanks to Médiacité’s Drive-In Cinema!

When it opened, Médiacité was supposed to house a cinema at the intersection of Quai Mozart and Rue Armand Stouls, but by now the Médiaciné project site has remained vacant. This is how Médiacité’s Drive In Cinema came into being in 2018.

Throughout the year, several screenings are scheduled with a defined theme (romantic, crime, horror, …). Registration is 100% free and accessible via our newsletter. To register, please use the form below.

You can also visit our Facebook page where two films are proposed before each screening in the form of a poll. The one with the most votes will be shown a few days later on the giant screen set up for the event.


Space for cars is limited, so be sure to reserve your place in future editions.

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